The Best Type of Air Conditioner for Your Bedroom: 3 Key Things To Consider

  • By: cooladmin
  • Date: July 29, 2022
  • Time to read: 3 min.
Table of Contents

    Introduction – The Best Type of Air Conditioner for Your Bedroom

    You probably know that air conditioners cool indoor areas. But do you know which kind of AC is best for your bedroom? It’s not just about the number of BTUs. There are certain features and functions that are more important than others when choosing an air conditioner for your bedroom. If you want a cool, comfortable space with low noise levels and minimal maintenance, you need to make sure that the AC you choose has the right set of characteristics. Here are three key things to consider when buying an AC for your bedroom.

    A Look at 3 Key Features When Buying an AC for Your Bedroom

    There are a few important features to keep in mind when you’re choosing an AC for your bedroom. First, you have to decide how much you’re willing to spend on your AC.

    A lot of factors affect the cost, including the number of BTUs, the EER rating, and the noise reduction rating. If you want a top-of-the-line AC that’s super energy efficient, you’ll probably pay a bit more than a basic AC. Second, think about the size of your AC and where it needs to go in your bedroom.

    Standard ACs are usually 18 inches wide and 14 inches high. If you have a smaller room or you want your AC to be out of view, you can try a slim or mini AC option.

    Finally, make sure the AC you choose has a noise reduction rating of at least 26 decibels. You don’t want your AC to be too loud because you might be kept awake at night.

    Enough BTUs to Cool Just the Room

    In general, the more BTUs an AC has, the more cooling power it has. It takes more BTUs to cool an entire house than it does to cool a single room.

    That’s why you should focus on the number of BTUs when buying an AC for your bedroom. A good rule of thumb is to buy an AC with at least 12,000 BTUs. The higher the number, the more cooling power the AC will have.

    If you have a larger bedroom, you can go as high as 15,000 BTUs. But you don’t want to go over 18,000 BTUs because that would be too much cooling power for a single-person room.

    High EER

    The more energy efficient an AC is, the better it is for the environment and your wallet. If you’re buying a new AC, make sure it has a high EER rating. The higher the EER, the more energy efficient the AC is.

    ACs with high EERs are better for the environment because they emit fewer greenhouse gases. They’re also less expensive to operate because they use less energy than cheaper ACs. That means you’ll save money over time on your electric bill.

    Generally, basic ACs with an EER of 9 or 10 are the cheapest. You can find high-end ACs with EERs as high as 21. But you pay more for the extra energy efficiency.

    Good Noise Reduction Rating

    Air conditioners are designed to make lots of noise. That’s part of their job. But you don’t want your AC to be so loud that you can’t sleep. If you buy an AC with a low noise reduction rating, you risk waking up every time the AC turns on.

    For small bedrooms, you want an AC with a noise reduction rating of 26 decibels or higher. Anything below (or around) 25 decibels will likely be quieter than other ACs.

    You can also buy noise-canceling headphones to block out the sound of an AC if it’s particularly loud.


    An AC is a big purchase. It can cost thousands of dollars and will have to last for years. That’s why it’s important to choose the right AC for your needs.

    If you live in a place that’s hot and humid, you need an AC. But it’s important to choose the best type of AC for your needs. If you want a cool, comfortable space with low noise levels and minimal maintenance, you need to make sure that the AC you choose has the right set of characteristics.

    If so, you shouldn’t have any trouble keeping your bedroom cool and comfortable all year round.