The Truth Behind Cheap Air Conditioners: Are They Really Cheaper?

  • By: cooladmin
  • Date: August 16, 2022
  • Time to read: 4 min.
Table of Contents

    Introduction – The Truth Behind Cheap Air Conditioners: Are They Really Cheaper?

    Have you ever purchased a cheap air conditioner? Maybe it was a Craigslist find, or maybe you spotted one on sale. If so, you probably have a good reason why: they’re cheap!

    However, are cheap air conditioners really cheaper? Or do they come with hidden costs that end up costing you even more in the long run?

    Let’s take a look at the truth behind these affordable units. Keep reading to learn more about them and see if an inexpensive AC is right for your home.

    What Constitutes a Cheap Air Conditioner?

    First, before we get into the cost, we should talk about what makes an air conditioner “cheap.” The truth is, there is no specific price tag that makes an AC cheap. Rather, an inexpensive unit is often one that is low-quality, underpowered, and overpriced.

    There are many different components that can make up a cheap AC. Some of these components include but aren’t limited to, a low BTU rating, a short lifespan, a low-quality filter, and a short warranty. Narrowing down exactly what makes a cheap AC is tricky.

    That’s because there isn’t one specific factor that determines an AC’s price. There are many different components that go into a system and determine the overall cost. That said, you can use this information to help you determine if an AC is cheap.

    Are Cheap Air Conditioners Worth the Risk?

    Now that we’ve established what constitutes a cheap AC, we should talk about whether they’re worth the risk. As we mentioned above, there are many components that can make an AC cheap. However, there are a few that stand out above the rest.

    The filter and the BTU rating are two components that are commonly lower-quality on cheap ACs. A cheap filter is often noisier, less energy-efficient, and may not even filter out allergens and pollutants as effectively as a more expensive filter.

    And even though you may be able to replace a cheap filter more easily than a more expensive one, that doesn’t make it a worthwhile purchase. If an AC is underpowered, it will have a hard time keeping up in extreme temperatures.

    This can result in lower humidity levels or improper temperature levels. And if you don’t have an AC that’s powerful enough for your area, you may not be able to keep your home cool enough during the hottest months.

    This can make your home uncomfortable, unhealthy, and unsafe. So, while cheap air conditioners are often cheaper in the short run, they end up costing more in the long run.

    The Real Cost of Cheap ACs

    So, if cheap ACs cost more in the long run, what exactly do they cost you in the short run? Well, there are a handful of costs to keep in mind when purchasing a cheap AC.

    The most obvious cost is the price. Cheap ACs are usually more expensive upfront than more expensive ACs. Next are installation costs. If you purchase a cheap AC, it’s probably lower in BTU than what’s recommended for your home. As a result, the system may not be installed correctly. This can lead to inefficient cooling and a system that breaks down more quickly than it should.

    If a contractor has to come out to fix the installation, this can end up costing you more than if you had purchased a more expensive unit, to begin with.

    Pros of Cheap ACs

    Despite all the risks and costs associated with cheap air conditioners, there are a few benefits. The main benefits of cheap ACs are that they’re often smaller, lighter, and easier to install than more expensive units.

    These units may also be more energy efficient than other options. This can save you money in the long run, even if it costs you more upfront.

    Finally, cheap ACs are often available in more styles, colors, and sizes, making it easier to find one that fits your home.

    Cons of Cheap ACs

    If cheap ACs are cheaper upfront and easier to install, why aren’t they worth it? Well, as we’ve discussed, they are often less efficient and can break down sooner than more expensive units.

    They also tend to have a lower lifespan than pricier ACs, which means they may not last as long as you need them to. Finally, they may not be as aesthetically pleasing as pricier models.

    Sure, you can get a cheap AC that fits your home’s style, but it won’t be as luxurious as an expensive one.

    Final Words

    So, are cheap air conditioners worth the risk? Well, to be honest, we don’t think so. If you buy a cheap AC, you’ll likely have to replace it sooner than a pricier model.

    And when you add in the installation costs, you’ll end up spending more in the long run than if you had purchased a more expensive unit. Instead, we recommend buying a unit that’s “less” than what’s recommended for your home. This way, you’ll spend less upfront and won’t have to replace it as soon.