The Effects of Air Conditioning on Your Body Temperature

  • By: cooladmin
  • Date: November 5, 2022
  • Time to read: 5 min.
Table of Contents

    Short Answer: The Effects of Air Conditioning on Your Body Temperature

    One of the most apparent advantages of air conditioning is lowering the temperature of the air, thereby lowering your body temperature to a safe level and bringing you back to homeostasis. Your body’s natural cooling system releases heat in the form of sweat, which eventually evaporates.

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    Detailed explanation – The Effects of Air Conditioning on Your Body Temperature

    What is the ideal indoor temperature? Is it hot or cold? The answer to these questions largely depends on personal preference, but there are some general guidelines that most people follow. In the summertime, air conditioning units can help maintain a comfortable temperature inside an office, home, or other dwellings.

    However, this comes at a cost. Not only do these devices increase monthly energy expenses; but they also pose potential health risks for those who are sensitive to their side effects.

    In this blog post, we’ll explore the effects of air conditioning on your body temperature and how you can stay cool without breaking the bank on electricity bills.

    What is the Ideal Indoor Temperature?

    The ideal temperature varies based on the person, season, and weather. According to the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, an indoor temperature of around 22°C (72°F) is the ideal temperature for most people.

    This temperature is comfortable enough to allow you to work productively while minimizing the risk of overheating. When it comes to the winter, you’ll want to increase the indoor temperature to around 24°C (75°F) to maintain healthy indoor air.

    When extreme weather conditions arise, you’ll want to adjust your indoor temperature accordingly. For example, when temperatures drop below 5°C (41°F), you’ll want to increase the temperature inside your home to around 18°C (65°F) to achieve a comfortable indoor climate.

    The Effects of Air Conditioning on Your Body Temperature

    When you first turn on your air conditioner, you’ll likely notice that your skin feels cooler. This is because air conditioning units produce a strong airflow that helps to cool you down. But while your skin may feel cool, your core body temperature may actually be on the rise. Turning on your air conditioner can actually cause your core body temperature to increase.

    Air conditioning units work by removing warm air from the room and replacing it with cool air, so your body has to actively work to maintain its natural temperature. This increased core body temperature can lead to increased sweating, which can cause your body to dehydrate more quickly.

    Not only do these physical changes affect your health, but they can have a significant impact on your productivity as well.

    How Does Air Conditioning Affect Your Body?

    As we discussed in the previous section, the longer you keep the air conditioner running, the more it can affect your body temperature. An air conditioner removes warm air from the room, which cools down the room. In turn, your body starts to sweat to maintain its core temperature. The more you sweat, the more water you lose from your body.

    When the temperature inside your home gets too cold, your body has to work even harder to maintain its natural temperature. Your body naturally responds by increasing its heart rate, which can cause you to feel too warm and uncomfortable.

    If you keep the air conditioner running for too long, you can risk developing health issues, including:


    Air conditioning units tend to be cooler than the ideal indoor temperature. If the temperature inside your home becomes too cool, it can cause you to feel colder than necessary. This can cause headaches as well as muscle tension and pain.

    Dry Skin

    As we discussed in the previous section, air conditioners can cause you to sweat more. This can lead to dry skin, which can potentially cause irritation and cracking.

    Increased blood pressure

    When the temperature inside your home drops too low, your blood vessels naturally constrict to prevent heat loss from your body. This can lead to an increase in blood pressure.


    When the temperature inside your home is too cold, it can cause you to feel tired and lethargic. This is because your body has to work harder to maintain its internal temperature.

    Increased risk of infections

    Viruses and bacteria thrive in warm and moist environments. When the temperature inside your home falls below 18°C (65°F), it becomes a breeding ground.

    3 Health Risks of Constantly Running AC Units

    As we’ve discussed so far, air conditioning units can have adverse effects on your health. However, there are other risks associated with running these units for too long. The longer you keep the air conditioner running, the higher your energy bill will be.

    According to the Department of Energy, about 20% of the energy used in your home is for cooling. Air conditioners also have a lifespan, and if you constantly run them, they will break down much quicker than normal.

    How to Stay Cool Without Using Air Conditioning

    If you don’t want to keep your air conditioner running, there are some things you can do to stay cooler.

    Stay hydrated

    As we discussed earlier, air conditioners can cause your body to sweat more. This can lead to dehydration, so make sure to stay hydrated.

    Distance yourself from the unit

    The warmer the air coming out of the unit, the warmer you will be. Keeping the air conditioner at a distance can help to reduce some of the side effects.

    Close the windows

    Opening the windows can allow cool air to enter the room and replace the warm air being expelled from the air conditioner.

    Wear light clothing

    Wearing thick clothing can trap your body heat, making you feel warmer than necessary.

    Turn the thermostat down

    The ideal indoor temperature is around 22°C (72°F), regardless of whether you have an air conditioner running or not.

    Final Words

    Air conditioning units are a great way to stay cool and comfortable during the hot summer months. However, these units can have adverse effects on your health if you keep them running for too long.

    To avoid these issues, make sure to stay hydrated, distance yourself from the unit, close the windows, wear light clothing, and turn the thermostat down.