Goodbye Window AC, Hello Portable Air Conditioners

  • By: cooladmin
  • Date: August 18, 2022
  • Time to read: 4 min.
Table of Contents

    Introduction – Goodbye Window AC, Hello Portable Air Conditioners

    In summer, the temperature in our homes rises quickly. We either switch on the air conditioner to cool down the house or huddle under blankets with a sweat bucket. While most of us have an air conditioner in our homes, it is not a practical solution for all scenarios.

    We cannot use the AC all day as there are some places where it’s not advisable to run it for prolonged periods such as humid basements or small apartments with minimal ventilation. So what are your options if you can’t rely on window air conditioners?

    Well, portable air conditioners that come with their own exhaust duct and are compact enough to sit on a desk or table are now becoming very popular among homeowners who want a more practical solution.

    Why are Portable Air Conditioners So Popular?

    Portable air conditioners are becoming increasingly popular for a few reasons. For starters, they’re more affordable than central air. An average central AC unit costs about $3,500 to install, while a comparable portable AC unit costs around half that.

    Plus, portable air conditioners don’t require ductwork, so they can be placed almost anywhere. Whether you have a large home, an awkwardly shaped room, or a multi-story building, portable AC units can be moved around to accommodate different areas.

    You can also lift a portable AC and move it between rooms if the weather changes. With central air, you have to shut it off and wait for the inside of your home to cool down before restarting it. With a portable AC, however, you can just move it from one room to the next.

    What to Look for When Buying a Portable AC?

    There are a couple of things to keep in mind when shopping for a portable AC. First, think about how much space you want the unit to take up. You can get a smaller AC that sits on a table or desk, or you can go for a larger unit that has wheels for easy mobility.

    You can also opt for a wall-mountable AC that you can attach to the wall and leave there year-round. Next, consider the unit’s cooling capacity. To get a general idea of how many square feet a certain portable AC can cool, you can refer to the manufacturer’s website.

    Keep in mind, though, that AC units are often rated in terms of BTUs (British thermal unit), which is a measurement of energy and not cooling capacity. The best way to determine cooling capacity is to look at the AC’s cooling capacity and cubic feet per minute (CFM) rating.

    Two Main Types of Portable Air Conditioners

    Ductless Air Conditioner: These are very compact units with minimal installation requirements and are great for rooms with low humidity. Since these units don’t use ducts, they’re best for small spaces and rooms that have decent ventilation.

    Wall-mounted Air Conditioner: These units are designed to go on a wall and, like ductless air conditioners, don’t require ducts. Wall-mounted air conditioners are a great choice if you have a large space to cool.

    Where Can You Use a Portable Air Conditioner?

    Portable air conditioners can be used almost anywhere, but they’re best used in small spaces and rooms with good ventilation. You can use them in bedrooms, offices, garages, and other similar areas. A large portable AC can also cool a small living room or kitchen.

    You can’t use a portable AC to cool a large space, like a garage, basement, or living room. If you want to cool a larger area, you’ll need to choose a larger unit that can effectively cool a larger room or space.

    Most portable AC units are only designed to cool a small room. You can use a larger wall-mounted AC to cool a larger space, but you may need more than one unit to effectively cool a larger area.

    How to Install a Portable Air Conditioner?

    Installing a portable AC is a fairly simple task. The most important thing to keep in mind is that you should choose an exhaust source that isn’t near anything flammable or edible.

    You should also avoid placing the exhaust duct in an area where people are likely to walk over it. Otherwise, you can follow these general steps to install your portable AC:

    Determine the correct voltage to plug the unit into. Measure the area where you want the unit to be. Place the unit on a table or other surface in the desired location. Connect the exhaust duct to the back of the portable AC unit. Plug the AC unit into a power outlet.

    Final Words: Is It Worth Your Money?

    Portable air conditioners are a great solution for cooling small rooms and areas. They’re more affordable than central AC units and don’t require ductwork.

    If you can’t rely on your central AC unit and want an affordable cooling solution for a small space, a portable AC may be a good option for you.

    Just be sure to choose a model that is effective for your space. To help with your decision, keep the things listed above in mind when shopping for a portable AC.