Stay Cool Without A/C in the Heat of the Summer

  • By: cooladmin
  • Date: August 25, 2022
  • Time to read: 4 min.
Table of Contents

    Introduction – Stay Cool Without A/C in the Heat of the Summer

    When the heat of the summer hits, most of us go into panic mode. We start searching for ways to cool off and stay comfortable in our homes. Air conditioning is often seen as a necessity during the hot months, but it isn’t exactly inexpensive.

    Unless you have an old house with a window unit or some other affordable cooling option, having air conditioning in every room of your home can be quite expensive. How can you keep your cool without breaking the bank? Read on to learn more!

    If you live somewhere that gets hot year-round, you may already know that staying cool when it’s hot outside means staying hydrated, keeping indoor humidity low (ideally below 50%), and dressing appropriately for the climate (colder climates require layers so that we can easily take off or add clothing as needed).

    Stay hydrated to stay cool

    Keeping hydrated is one of the best ways to stay cool, especially if you are sweating a lot. When you are dehydrated, your body’s natural cooling method (sweat) doesn’t work properly, and you can overheat.

    If you live somewhere that gets hot year-round, you may already know that staying cool when it’s hot outside means staying hydrated, keeping indoor humidity low (ideally below 50%), and dressing appropriately for the climate (colder climates require layers so that we can easily take off or add clothing as needed).

    When it’s hot outside, try to drink two or three full glasses of water per hour. You can also try drinking electrolyte water, which is designed to hydrate you better than plain water.

    Change your home’s climate

    There are a few things you can change about your home to help it stay cooler. The first thing to consider is your home’s insulation. If you have an older home, it likely doesn’t have the best insulation, which can allow warmth to escape from your home.

    To stay cool, you should aim to increase the R-value of your insulation. This will help keep the warmth inside your home. You can hire a professional to perform a full home insulation audit, or you can perform one yourself by checking for any cracks or gaps in your walls, floors, and ceilings, as well as checking insulation levels in your attic.

    Install a swamp cooler

    A swamp cooler is a cooling method that uses the coolness of outside air to create a cooling effect inside your home. Swamp coolers use evaporative cooling to draw heat from the air. They do this by adding water to the air and then blowing that air through a filter, which removes the water, leaving behind cool air.

    Swamp coolers are a great option for people in dry climates who want to get some cooling effect during the hot months. They also work well if you have allergies because they don’t use chemicals or require electricity.

    However, they are not an efficient cooling method because they use a lot of water. If you live in an arid climate, where there is a shortage of water, a swamp cooler may not be the best option for you.

    Get an eco-friendly air conditioner

    Air conditioners have come a long way since they were first introduced. Now, you can find eco-friendly air conditioners with high energy-efficiency ratios (EERs) that use far less energy than older models. Eco-friendly air conditioners are more expensive than traditional air conditioners. However, they can save you money both in the short and long term because they use less energy.

    Eco-friendly air conditioners are also more environmentally friendly, and many of them can be controlled with your smartphone. You can choose from a wide range of eco-friendly air conditioners, including ones that use a variety of cooling methods, as well as ones that are designed to fit into your home’s design seamlessly.

    Cool your home with fans and windows

    If you don’t have a lot of money to invest in eco-friendly air conditioners, you can still get some cooling effect by using fans and opening windows. Fans create air circulation and will help cool your body down if you have them blowing in your direction.

    You can also use fans to circulate air in your house to help it stay cooler. You can also open windows when the weather is mild to let cool air inside your home. Make sure to close your windows at night, though, to keep cool air from escaping.

    If you live in a hot climate, you might want to consider adding an awning to your home so that you can enjoy your backyard even when it’s hot outside. Awnings are great for adding shade to your home, and they can be used year-round.


    When the heat of the summer hits, most of us go into panic mode. We start searching for ways to cool off and stay comfortable in our homes.

    Air conditioning is often seen as a necessity during the hot months, but it isn’t exactly inexpensive. You can, however, avoid spending a fortune on cooling your home by following these tips.